Speaker - Jason Berghold 2/4/16

For the presentation, I talked about the various business programs that KeyBank offers its business clients. These are products that you wouldn’t normally think of when you think of business products. They include Health Savings Accounts, Key@Work program, KeyBank merchant services, and our Key4women program.

Health Savings accounts are designed for individuals who have a high deductible health plan. Employees can use a health savings account ( H.S.A.) to complement their current high deductible health plan (HDHP). This includes using your H.S.A. to pay for co-pays and other qualified medical expenses that would normally have to be paid out of pocket. Even better, is the money in the H.S.A. carries over each year, so any unused balance will not be forfeited.  

Key@Work is a program that gives employees benefits and discounts on various products and rates just for participating in the program. Key@work is free to employers and is designed to reward employees for their hard work and service.

Key Merchant Services (KMS) offer businesses a chance to accept credit and other forms of digital and electronic payments in order to expand their business and profits.  In a world where more and more people don’t carry any cash on them, Key merchant services allows business to accept other digital and electronic forms of payment so they don’t lose out on any sales. The funds are made available next business day. KMS also helps train employers and employees on new technology and our merchant processing systems. Key also offers a 24/7 service line to help with any questions or trouble shooting.

Key4Women is a program that offers opportunities to women business owners in the community. Women can come together to talk about their stories and offer advice to other women business owners. There are publications, forums, and networking events for women to come together and help each other in their respective markets. Key4women also offers discounts on Fedex shipping and has its own customer support line.